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Governor DeSantis' "Safer-at-Home" Executive Order has expired. Effective September 25, 2020,Governor DeSantis announced via Executive Order that Florida moved to a full Phase Three re-opening status:

  • All employer restrictions have been lifted, including for retail establishments.
  • Individual COVID-19 fines and penalties have been suspended.
  • In the event the state re-institutes workplace or travel restrictions, it is highly recommended that medtech employees required to travel to and from Florida carry an "essential" employee letter on company letterhead (model language here) stating their designation as an "Essential Critical Infrastructure Worker" per federal (DHS) guidance and their role in the health response. Florida's "Essential Services" list HERE.

  • Medical services, including elective procedures, surgical centers, office surgery centers, dental offices, and orthodontic offices, are allowed to fully re-open per a previous Phase One order. However, some hospitals and hospital systems have independently suspended elective procedures during the recent Delta variant outbreak.

On May 3, 2021, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order (21-102) declaring "all local COVID-19 restrictions and mandates on individuals and businesses are hereby suspended" effective immediately. This order makes it clear that the Governor is suspending and superseding any existing COVID-19 emergency order or ordinance enacted by a "county or municipality."

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